Today, we're gonna discuss the G-Code. If anyone is familiar with this term, The G-Code, is it an unwritten street code by which individuals attempt to live. However, for decades, the G-Code as it currently stands has caused nothing but destruction for black America. The current G-Code has us worshipping as heroes those who destroy our communities, it has us rejecting anything that could help us to advance as a race. But enough is enough, and this is where I rewrite the G-Code.
Let's begin....
Rule #1: You are not to procreate with anyone whom you don't intend to be your spouse. Ideally, you wouldn't procreate with anyone who isn't your spouse, but not all of us believe in marriage (rightfully so) but the objective is to create a family. No more "baby mamas/daddies," we're building solid, fully-functional black families. To you black more using your offspring as an excuse to run the streets and do stupid things to get yourselves incarcerated. You know what I mean --- selling drugs, robbing, committing crimes overall under the guise of feeding your family. That is unacceptable. Under the new G-Code, you are to do nothing that will result in you being separated from your family.
Since our objective is to create functional black families, no more are we to bring black babies into this world out of hatred, spite or desire to change someone who doesn't have their shit together. From now you, you are only to procreate with individuals that will make a great parent. If they weren't shit before you have the child, they're gonna continue their "ain't shit" ways after the child is born.
Rule #2: Decent, upstanding, classy black women and men are to date only each other. By adhering to this rule, we will eventually breed out the degenerate part of our race. One reason why loser, ratchet black women and men continue to thrive in black America is because their behavior is rewarded. In other words....when a black man is uneducated, a thug, an overall loser, black women typically reward him by giving him all the sex he desires and even allowing him to live off of her. Then you also have black women who have nothing to offer except a pretty face and a big butt, who will be rewarded by black men in very much the same manner. Whereas, the black men and women that are the opposite of the degenerates are treated like crap. Don't believe that this goes on? Ask the average black woman what type of man she desires, and she'll say she wants a "real nigga" and your average black male will say he wants a "bad bitch." Therefore, we have too many "real niggas" and "bad bitches" in our community and not enough REAL MEN AND WOMEN! This has got to stop.
If we quit rewarding degenerate men and women in our community, eventually they will fade out and hopefully disappear. Be refusing to give the time of day to these types of individuals, they will either have to get themselves together or suffer from loneliness. The reason why so many black men engage in thug culture is because they know that it's what black women like. And vice versa. A lot of black women engage in slutty activities because they know it's the only way they'll attract most black men. While all of this is taking place, we have the small minority of decent black men and women that are struggling to find each other which causes them to search through the trashy part of our race in hopes of meeting their equal counterpart. From now on, no one is to even entertain the bottom of the barrel types in our communities.
Rule #3: You are to at all times value education, hard work, family, intellect, etc. We are declining as a race because there is no value placed upon any of the aforementioned things. So...there shall be no more referring to your fellow black man or woman as a sellout, Uncle Tom, coon, or accusing them of acting white or trying to gain "white favor" simply because they conduct themselves like decent, human beings. This also means no more questioning a black man's sexuality (wondering if he's gay) just because he doesn't engage in thug culture.
We are to also begin to cultivate the minds of our children at a young age. Instead of throwing them in front of the TV and allowing them to watch such filth, we are to provide educational material for them instead. Your children are to also see nothing but love and respect between their parents. If any disagreement arises (which WILL inevitably occur), you are not to bad mouth each other in the presence of your child (or children). The goal is to teach the child the importance of a functional household and the value of education.
If you see an intelligent black person, you are to commend them and encourage them to continue to better themselves. In fact, we are to push the hard-working, educated, family orientated black men and women as the face of our community. Currently, the wrong types of individuals are the face of our community. For some reason, to be an individual who contributes to the downfall of the black race, thug men and ghetto hoodrat women, is considered being "a REAL black man/woman!" And that has got to change. No more praise for the black man who spends 5 years in prison, instead, we give honor to the black man or woman who spends 4 years in college.
Rule #4: Under the new G-Code, you are to be on watch for people who engage in behavior that is detrimental to your community. This means running out the drug dealers, the killers and anyone else who bring destruction to our people. Check these people on sight and encourage them to either get it together or they're out. This also means no more adherence to the dumb-ass "no snitching" policy. When crimes goes down in your community, turn these people in. The people who commit these atrocious acts of violence continue to do so because they have convinced black America that what they do is somehow "keepin' it real" and if you won't stand for it, you're somehow trying to gain favor of white people. These people are the reason that you have to lock your doors and that you can't wear nice things in public out of fear that they might rob you for it. But this is where the buck stops. We are getting these people out of our neighborhoods.
If you ever defend or make excuses for these people who make us all look bad, you are in violation and will be shunned along with them. Nothing disgusts me more than to hear a black person claim to be different than those who make us look bad, but yet they defend those individuals. If you're going to defend them, then you are no different than them and you might as well join the street corner with them because no more will we put up with you or them.
Whenever someone is honest enough to speak truthfully about the conditions that plague the black community, no more should they fear being referred to as an Uncle Tom, sellout, self-hater, etc.
Rule #5: You are to accept full responsibility for your life and everything in it. No more blaming others (including the blaming of white people). You will readily admit when you are in the wrong and work immediately toward corrective action. A failure to accept responsibility is the equivalent of you turning over control of your life to someone else. Not accepting responsibility is for the weak and under the new G-Code, we're strengthening ourselves.
No more are you to entertain pro-black, Afrocentric types who tell you that nothing that occurs in your life is your fault because of slavery, Jim Crow, fictitious "white supremacy," etc. It's been documented that the problems we experience today did not manifest themselves in generations prior. Those who blame slavery for the state of Black America have failed to point out why the things that are going on today (high black-on-black crime, single parenthood, a lack of value on education, etc.), weren't issues amongst black people that were closer to the era of slavery and Jim Crow. Race hustlers and professional victims have even created a fictitious psychological condition called "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome" or "Willie Lynch Syndrome." Those pseudo-psychological conditions have been debunked, so you have no reason to believe in them. They create this foolishness in order to keep you feeling like a victim. That way, you will never rise up into a position of power. The way to defeat those who seek to keep you in victimhood in order to line their pockets is by accepting responsibility.
To view an all-out debunking of the Willie Lynch Speech, proving the entire story to be a farce, view this article by Prof. Manu Ampim: The Death of the Willie Lynch Speech
Rule #6: Logic and reason are to become the dominating thinking processes of black America. Presently, emotionalism dominates the thinking process of black people in America which makes us not only prone to violence but also makes us easy to manipulate.
Let's talk about the violence for a moment. Due to black people's emotional stance on everything, your average black person will react violently when faced with something to which he or she doesn't agree. That is why you have a lot of black men sitting in prison as we speak --- because they killed someone (or some other violent offense) as a first reaction. Now that he's sitting in his prison cell with a long time to THINK about it logically, he now realizes what he could've done to prevent that. The black woman will abuse her children, commit unspeakable acts of evil against her mate over something she's heard (without proof), etc., because she lacks critical thinking skills. Unfortunately, black people apply logic and reason only when it's too late. Therefore, is it the failure to apply logic and reason that creates this huge propensity for violence in black people. What separates man from the animals is man's ability to reason, and the refusal to reason is what makes the black race such a savage race.
Let's also talk briefly about the high level of emotionalism in black America contributing to the manipulate of blacks. Because blacks lack logic and reason, it has always been easy to fleece them. Everyone from the church all the way down to your race hustlers have been getting rich off of the lack of critical thinking skills in the black community. They know that if they can include slavery, racism or religion into any scam they seek to run on blacks, they will succeed. The emotionalism of which I speak has led to black America becoming a group of people who claim to desire the truth, but in all actuality, are only a group seeking to validate their current beliefs....and anyone who caters to that current belief system can run scam after scam.
That being said...from now on, when you disagree with someone, you are to think before you act. By doing that, you will realize that it'd make more sense for you and that person to discuss the point(s) on which you disagree or to just walk away from the situation altogether. But black American culture tells you that you're supposed to be ready to fight to kill someone over pretty much anything. It is that way of thinking that we are eliminating. We are also seeking to eliminate the gullibility in the black community which allows anyone fast talking charlatan to get rich off of our misery. Always....think before you speak or act. Never are you to act or speak first and think later.
This extreme emotionalism is also the reason that a lot of blacks who reach prominence never bother to help other blacks after they've made it. Due to the fact that blacks aren't seekers of truth, but are instead seekers of victimization, attempting to help blacks is a very difficult task. When attempting to earnestly help blacks, you first have to emphasize responsibility...thereby eliminating "the white man" excuse. When you point that out, you are subject to vicious attacks --- threats of violence are not uncommon. All because blacks have an undying need to feel like victims. Why would those black people of prominence bother putting themselves through such an experience for simply trying to help when they don't have to? Point blank --- if black American wants to do better, emotionalism has no place. Logic and reason must become supreme.
Rule #7: No more are we to pass down the inferiority complex to our offspring. Nothing disgusts me more in the black community than to see young black people with a feeling of inferiority due to what they've been taught about the history of slavery and Jim Crow in America. First off, black children are taught about slavery not from an informational standpoint, but from an error-ridden, emotional standpoint that creates a defeatist mentality in the mind of the black child. They then begin to believe that the world is set up for them to fail, that everyone is racist and out to get them, etc., which isn't true. We must begin now to first, stop teaching false history to our children. Slavery was not a racially motivated event, it was purely economic. However, teaching black children the truth about slavery would then place black adults in the hot seat, which they seek to avoid.
Here's what we are going to do --- from now, anyone who dares tell a black child they can't do something because of their race, that person is to be cast out of the community. It is impossible for us to excel as a race if we don't believe that we can. Frankly, we could've been better off a long time ago had it not been for the elder generation forcing inferior beliefs on the younger generation. If you aren't going to teach a black child the TRUTH about slavery, in that it wasn't a racially motivated event but about money, then don't teach them about slavery at all. The last thing we need is for the next generation to grow up with a feeling of inferiority and send the race backwards all because they're still embracing outdated beliefs. If you would simply let go of all emotional ties you may have to slavery, that would be ideal.
Rule #8: You are required to constantly work to better yourself so that you may contribute to building up not only your community, but the world in general. Your goal is to add value to society. As it currently stands, black America is a drain on society. Black America consumes the most and produces the least. To reverse that condition, we are to build up our communities by encouraging entrepreneurship, innovation, etc. We have the resources to get it done with a spending power of $1.1 trillion. No more telling young black men that they're only route to the top is through rap music, sports, acting or some other form of entertainment. No more telling black girls that they're route to the top is by finding a rich man and getting pregnant by him in hopes of receiving a huge payday, becoming a video vixen, etc. We are to encourage our black youth to excel through the fields that contribute to the functionality of the world --- finance, law, medical, business, etc.
No more are we to depend on the system for survival. Government assistance creates dependency which creates a slave. Therefore, we need to get off the government assistance and start using our money to control the economics of our communities. This means building businesses in your own communities and producing your own. You say that the schools don't educate your children properly? Use part of that $1.1 trillion to create private schools that will properly educate your children. Every dollar you spend on a pair of Jordans, expensive outfits or other frivolous items could be used to build your community. I know many of you would love to believe that it can't be done (to satisfy your victim consciousness) but the existence of Black Wall Street says otherwise.
I know some will say that this can't be done because "they" won't allow you the money to build business. But to counter that, I'm gonna quote what I stated in a previous article: "It's been stated that the spending power of black America has reached $1.1 trillion annually. With that sort of spending power, there's no excuse for black enterprise to go unfunded. That is more than enough money to have plenty of black owned Venture Capital and Private Equity firms and even Investment Banks geared towards funding black entrepreneurs. But the failure to put our money together, instead deciding to blow it on frivolous items, is what is paralyzing black enterprise."
What I've outlined so far is the new G-Code for black America. I will add on to this list as more principles come to mind, but for now, I've hammered the most important things that could put us on the fast track to improvement.
Thanks for reading!
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean T. Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for The Opulent Group,
a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs,
investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay
consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Aliteracy: The Cousin of Illiteracy
As a society we have moved to the point where most people are fairly
literate, they can read basic information (around a 3rd grade level). On
the other hand, there exists a new phenomena in which sociologists
created whole separate term for. This term is called aliteracy.
Aliteracy is simply "the lack of the reading habit in capable readers". People that are aliterate are not illiterate per se, but choose not to read for whatever reason (which we will get into). This phenomena has been called by some "the invisible epidemic".
People are now able to read, but don't read. Aliteracy is especially causing attention amongst college administration. They are finding that less and less students are reading the textbooks and course material. They come to class after skimming through the texts, really not spending time to understand what is in the book. This is scary to some people because these same college students are hired into professional areas and given salaries to do jobs that could potontially affect the state the economy and quality of services in companies. It is said that 90 million Americans over the age of 16 lack reading and writing skills needed for employment! That is a lot of people!
A study was through the Nelson-Denny standardized reading test, in order to find why college students don't read. They found that many of these college students chose not to read because they felt they didn't need to read to "get by". They were only interested in putting in the least amount of reading, and at the same time expected an "A" in the class. These students in the survey also claimed that their reading habits were learned from there parents, who also were not very interested in reading, or who did not wholly value the reading of books. These students did not correlate reading with advancement of knowledge.
I can understand student being disatisfied with the college material, especially with the implementation of curriculum that centers around memorization, rather then true learning of skills and pragmatic knowledge. A book entitled "Readicide" explains that the students lack of reading is directly correlated with the school system, which introduces boring subject matter. Most students believe that all books are like this, and choose not to read. Parents can't blame the school system though, its is their job and responsibility to educate their children.
Its ironic that there would be a push to teach people how to read, yet those same people choose not to read. Its similar to knowing how to cook fresh meals but always eating fast food. In the words of Mark Twain, "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them".
This quote is very true! Not knowing how to read is similar to not reading. Both do not read! One just may have learned to read, and can read things like newspapers or magazine. Even places like Borders or Barnes & Nobles caters to the aliterate, offering them very casual reading. Its almost impossible to do real research inside of Borders. You can read some intriguing things, but no real knowledge is to be gained through casual reading. As Mark Twain stated, its about good books, not just any material.
The myriad of statistics on reading levels is the most revealing about the decrease in reading in America. One third of high school graduates never read a book for the rest of their lives. 80% of American families did not buy a book last year, and the ones that did mostly were over the age of 65. The National Adult Literacy Survery found that 71% of college graduates are unable to read proficiently. 90 million Americans possess only rudimentary literacy skills. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and development said that 50% of the work force in the United States is not literate enough to work in a modern economy. The American Booksellers Association stated, "Unfortunately, reading may therefore someday be engaged in by a small minority of people who are regarded as eccentrics by their fellow citizens." The U.S. Secretary of Education says "The vast majority of Americans do not know they do not have the skills to earn a living in our increasingly technological society." We could literally go on and on!
These statistics only show the magnitude of the issue in America. The sad part is, those stastics count things like magazines and newspapers as reading, so the numbers may be slightly skewed.
Imagine a labor class of Americans who cannot function within the new economy. What kind of jobs are available to them? Imagine companies facing shrinking markets because they sell products or services that require a user's ability to excercise cognitive skills. Well, you don't have to imagine it, this is the reality of America. Most people can barely read the labels on medical prescriptions. They have no idea how to be healthy, because they don't read about the human body nor health sciences (i.e. diet). Medical agencies are able to impart insalubrious information to patients, because they have no idea about their body or health in general. This creates iatrogenics, or medical induced death. Numerous aliterate people rely on media outlets for most of the information they digest. It is almost too elementary to swindle Americans. There is no coincidence that workers are being taken advantage of at increasing rate by financial advisors like Bernie Madoff, they have no financial literacy skills to understand what is occuring. Corporations are adding hidden fees to bill statements, knowing consumers don't read them. The populace is paying for services they have never used. Employers are mistreating employees because employees do not know they actually have rights in the workplace. Ignorant people are guillable. Guillable people will take any command, no matter how demoralizing. Guillable people have no authority and are subject to those in the know. Truly a case of cause and effect, tyrants cannot be blamed!
Aliteracy is one of the main causes for the abuse of Americans by the government. A people who are unaware because the lack of reading are prime for abuse. The founding fathers of America who were freemasons trained under Moorish Sultans in Morocco and certain mystery schools in the American continent, made sure that information was public, and that the people wouldn't be taken advantage of because of their ignorance. They wanted to make sure what happened in the Dark Ages, when the church filtered information to illiterates, didn't happen again. Thomas Jefferson stated, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be".
Thus meaning the government is almost expected to become tyrants amongst the ignorant. Ignorance results from the lack of knowledge, illiterates and aliterates alike! Most people have never read the Constitution or Bill of Rights, nonetheless Supreme Court Rulings and Peace Officer codes. This ignorance allows governmental agencies (which in actuality are only fronts for sovereigns and bankers) to do as they please. And rightfully so! This boosts the ignorant into learning, stagnation is cured with fire to the rear. High taxes, unconstitutional statues, etc, are the direct result of ignorance and the lower level learning of Americans. The responsibility is on the citizens.
To continue, the data proves that most Americans are illiterate, and almost all are aliterate. There really is no contrariness between the two. Both do not read, its just one can't, and one can. Aliterates have the potential to read, but probably will not. History proves as the populace becomes less knowledgable, the tyranny increases.
Some report that a shortage in time is the reason they don't read and study. Yet they have time to have favorite sports teams, track stats, visit the mall frequently, attend clubs and parties, participate in social media website like facebook and twitter for hours, watch television, and excersise. It has been proven by psychologists that the valued things in life will always have place in an individual's schedule, always! People must not value knowledge and understanding! People must really value being ignorant, and must feel comfortable being controlled, as long as they can watch that new reality show (that is the same story over and over again with new faces). Until people began to read, the legislatures will continue to think of them as ignoramuses who are not capable of thinking for themselves. Corporations will pick up the slack and continue to think for the populace, thus, the population will get continue to get what they deserve.
Is there a cure to aliteracy? Yes! Read! Also learn how to read, there is a distinction between reading and reading comphrehension. A book called "How to read a book" was written for this purpose. Remember that a large amount of those who can read, lack comprehension skills.
Do you know the origin of the way we read? The modern education system uses a method called "Look-Say" wherein a student is taught to associate a picture with a word instead of learning root words, etymology, phonetics, meaning of the word, etc. The Look-say method was contrived from Thomas Hopkins Galluadet, who creatred a methodry for Deaf Mutes. This form of reading was developed for deaf mutes who have no concept of a spoken language (because they are deaf) and cannot hear or are unaware of phonetic sounds for different letters. Now why would the United Stated adopt a method of reading specifically designed for deaf mutes and use this as the means to teach the youth? I won't answer that question, just know that we are not learning efficient ways to read. Students of psychology are now finding out that there are far more efficient ways to read and retain information. Unfortunately, these methods are not being taught. Luckily subjects like speed reading are being studied. It is now known that the conscious mind is a terrible learner, and that complusory education should be aimed at controlling the deeper aspects of the mind- the subconscious, which can record and retain more vast amounts of information. The science of yoga nidra has been shown to help children learn to play instruments, learn new language, and other great feasts, by simply entering a relaxed state of consciousness. There is a lot more to it, but I will leave it at that!
Its amazing people pay for public services but don't use them. The library has tons of books that are all free. There are also legal libraries in the cities where people can learn personal rights as a human being in the United States. Even and other providers have books at low prices. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you want to learn, you will find a way to get the books you need. That's all it takes! It will be interesting to see where this massive amount of aliteracy takes us as a nation! Dark Ages possibly? We will see!
Thanks for reading!
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Aliteracy is simply "the lack of the reading habit in capable readers". People that are aliterate are not illiterate per se, but choose not to read for whatever reason (which we will get into). This phenomena has been called by some "the invisible epidemic".
People are now able to read, but don't read. Aliteracy is especially causing attention amongst college administration. They are finding that less and less students are reading the textbooks and course material. They come to class after skimming through the texts, really not spending time to understand what is in the book. This is scary to some people because these same college students are hired into professional areas and given salaries to do jobs that could potontially affect the state the economy and quality of services in companies. It is said that 90 million Americans over the age of 16 lack reading and writing skills needed for employment! That is a lot of people!
A study was through the Nelson-Denny standardized reading test, in order to find why college students don't read. They found that many of these college students chose not to read because they felt they didn't need to read to "get by". They were only interested in putting in the least amount of reading, and at the same time expected an "A" in the class. These students in the survey also claimed that their reading habits were learned from there parents, who also were not very interested in reading, or who did not wholly value the reading of books. These students did not correlate reading with advancement of knowledge.
I can understand student being disatisfied with the college material, especially with the implementation of curriculum that centers around memorization, rather then true learning of skills and pragmatic knowledge. A book entitled "Readicide" explains that the students lack of reading is directly correlated with the school system, which introduces boring subject matter. Most students believe that all books are like this, and choose not to read. Parents can't blame the school system though, its is their job and responsibility to educate their children.
Its ironic that there would be a push to teach people how to read, yet those same people choose not to read. Its similar to knowing how to cook fresh meals but always eating fast food. In the words of Mark Twain, "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them".
This quote is very true! Not knowing how to read is similar to not reading. Both do not read! One just may have learned to read, and can read things like newspapers or magazine. Even places like Borders or Barnes & Nobles caters to the aliterate, offering them very casual reading. Its almost impossible to do real research inside of Borders. You can read some intriguing things, but no real knowledge is to be gained through casual reading. As Mark Twain stated, its about good books, not just any material.
The myriad of statistics on reading levels is the most revealing about the decrease in reading in America. One third of high school graduates never read a book for the rest of their lives. 80% of American families did not buy a book last year, and the ones that did mostly were over the age of 65. The National Adult Literacy Survery found that 71% of college graduates are unable to read proficiently. 90 million Americans possess only rudimentary literacy skills. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and development said that 50% of the work force in the United States is not literate enough to work in a modern economy. The American Booksellers Association stated, "Unfortunately, reading may therefore someday be engaged in by a small minority of people who are regarded as eccentrics by their fellow citizens." The U.S. Secretary of Education says "The vast majority of Americans do not know they do not have the skills to earn a living in our increasingly technological society." We could literally go on and on!
These statistics only show the magnitude of the issue in America. The sad part is, those stastics count things like magazines and newspapers as reading, so the numbers may be slightly skewed.
Imagine a labor class of Americans who cannot function within the new economy. What kind of jobs are available to them? Imagine companies facing shrinking markets because they sell products or services that require a user's ability to excercise cognitive skills. Well, you don't have to imagine it, this is the reality of America. Most people can barely read the labels on medical prescriptions. They have no idea how to be healthy, because they don't read about the human body nor health sciences (i.e. diet). Medical agencies are able to impart insalubrious information to patients, because they have no idea about their body or health in general. This creates iatrogenics, or medical induced death. Numerous aliterate people rely on media outlets for most of the information they digest. It is almost too elementary to swindle Americans. There is no coincidence that workers are being taken advantage of at increasing rate by financial advisors like Bernie Madoff, they have no financial literacy skills to understand what is occuring. Corporations are adding hidden fees to bill statements, knowing consumers don't read them. The populace is paying for services they have never used. Employers are mistreating employees because employees do not know they actually have rights in the workplace. Ignorant people are guillable. Guillable people will take any command, no matter how demoralizing. Guillable people have no authority and are subject to those in the know. Truly a case of cause and effect, tyrants cannot be blamed!
Aliteracy is one of the main causes for the abuse of Americans by the government. A people who are unaware because the lack of reading are prime for abuse. The founding fathers of America who were freemasons trained under Moorish Sultans in Morocco and certain mystery schools in the American continent, made sure that information was public, and that the people wouldn't be taken advantage of because of their ignorance. They wanted to make sure what happened in the Dark Ages, when the church filtered information to illiterates, didn't happen again. Thomas Jefferson stated, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be".
Thus meaning the government is almost expected to become tyrants amongst the ignorant. Ignorance results from the lack of knowledge, illiterates and aliterates alike! Most people have never read the Constitution or Bill of Rights, nonetheless Supreme Court Rulings and Peace Officer codes. This ignorance allows governmental agencies (which in actuality are only fronts for sovereigns and bankers) to do as they please. And rightfully so! This boosts the ignorant into learning, stagnation is cured with fire to the rear. High taxes, unconstitutional statues, etc, are the direct result of ignorance and the lower level learning of Americans. The responsibility is on the citizens.
To continue, the data proves that most Americans are illiterate, and almost all are aliterate. There really is no contrariness between the two. Both do not read, its just one can't, and one can. Aliterates have the potential to read, but probably will not. History proves as the populace becomes less knowledgable, the tyranny increases.
Some report that a shortage in time is the reason they don't read and study. Yet they have time to have favorite sports teams, track stats, visit the mall frequently, attend clubs and parties, participate in social media website like facebook and twitter for hours, watch television, and excersise. It has been proven by psychologists that the valued things in life will always have place in an individual's schedule, always! People must not value knowledge and understanding! People must really value being ignorant, and must feel comfortable being controlled, as long as they can watch that new reality show (that is the same story over and over again with new faces). Until people began to read, the legislatures will continue to think of them as ignoramuses who are not capable of thinking for themselves. Corporations will pick up the slack and continue to think for the populace, thus, the population will get continue to get what they deserve.
Is there a cure to aliteracy? Yes! Read! Also learn how to read, there is a distinction between reading and reading comphrehension. A book called "How to read a book" was written for this purpose. Remember that a large amount of those who can read, lack comprehension skills.
Do you know the origin of the way we read? The modern education system uses a method called "Look-Say" wherein a student is taught to associate a picture with a word instead of learning root words, etymology, phonetics, meaning of the word, etc. The Look-say method was contrived from Thomas Hopkins Galluadet, who creatred a methodry for Deaf Mutes. This form of reading was developed for deaf mutes who have no concept of a spoken language (because they are deaf) and cannot hear or are unaware of phonetic sounds for different letters. Now why would the United Stated adopt a method of reading specifically designed for deaf mutes and use this as the means to teach the youth? I won't answer that question, just know that we are not learning efficient ways to read. Students of psychology are now finding out that there are far more efficient ways to read and retain information. Unfortunately, these methods are not being taught. Luckily subjects like speed reading are being studied. It is now known that the conscious mind is a terrible learner, and that complusory education should be aimed at controlling the deeper aspects of the mind- the subconscious, which can record and retain more vast amounts of information. The science of yoga nidra has been shown to help children learn to play instruments, learn new language, and other great feasts, by simply entering a relaxed state of consciousness. There is a lot more to it, but I will leave it at that!
Its amazing people pay for public services but don't use them. The library has tons of books that are all free. There are also legal libraries in the cities where people can learn personal rights as a human being in the United States. Even and other providers have books at low prices. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you want to learn, you will find a way to get the books you need. That's all it takes! It will be interesting to see where this massive amount of aliteracy takes us as a nation! Dark Ages possibly? We will see!
Thanks for reading!
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
The Lost Concept of Value
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value"
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein
In today's modern age, the concept of value, has, well, lost its value. People no longer have the drive to become valuable members of society. It seems that people just want the government, corporations, and other agencies to take care of them, instead of actually offering value to these companies and entities. It is no wonder the world is now manifesting job cuts and shortages. The mass being distracted, forget to sit back and learn the lessons from the daily happenings.
With the recent job cuts in various industries the populace is now realizing that some of the positions that were held in the past, are no longer relevant or necessary, and in fact, weren't really important in the first place. Employees are not being called into meeting, and they are asked what they do for the company. Some draw blanks, or proceed to name a list of what they thought was valuable, all skills that can be learned by anybody off the street. The machines that are currently made to do these tasks are scaring the erudites of today. The outsourcing of basic tasks is frightening many collar workers. Yet, we still are not getting the message, the message of value.
You see, the new coming age is all about the value of an individual. Since people have stopped reading and now spend most of their time doing brain draining activities like watching television or shopping (frequently) they have lost a vast amount of value.
The Americans who existed in the beginnings of this country were much more skilled. Even those in the ghettos had marketable skills which included a type of trade. Some of the jobs these lower class folks had back in those times are in demand now. Plumbers and carpenters are now found making as much or sometimes more then individuals who chose the route of the institution of higher learning (college). It's confusing when looking at it from a close up view, but it makes a lot of sense when looking from the bird's eye view! Simply, plumbers and carpenters are necessary! They provide something to society. There job is invaluable in the continuation of civilization. Civilization needs plumbing and as long as there are housing and other buildings, carpentry will be necessary. Then you come to these various "business professionals" that work in Fortune 500 companies, that really don't provide anything to the company other than an opinion, an opinion that is vastly losing its value, as evidenced by studying who these companies are laying off.
These companies are not laying off accountants, those skilled in law, people who provide high quality consultations, etc! These people are one hundred percent necessary to run a business and keep it going forward steadily. There may be some instances where someone who provided "something" was laid off, but if that person truly valued themselves, they wouldn't worry about finding another job. This individual would realize there are hundreds of companies out there who wish to have someone who is valuable. A valuable person is always useful, ALWAYS!
In the early 1900's, when African Americans experienced heavy prejudice, a man named Booker T. Washington came forward and expressed something very interesting. He stated:
"The whole future of the negro rests largely upon whether or not he should make himself, through skill, intelligence, and character, of such undeniable value to the community in which he lived that the community could not dispute his presence."
What was Booker T. Washington saying here? He was expressing the fact that anyone who raises themselves up through study and gains intelligence, skill, and character, will be of value to their community. Thus, they will always have a use. They will have the ability to even bypass a strong form of demographic prejudice, based on the fact that they were needed. You can only mistreat someone to an extent when their service is needed! This is in fact how many African Americans of that age were able to accumulate large amounts of Federal Reserve Notes. It was through self study and a touch of perseverance. This same lesson could be used for Americans in this day and age who are dealing with layoffs and job cuts. This just means that the days where you can sit around at the job and do nothing, or do something mindless, is over.
I hear the complaints of managers who talk about employees who don't do anything all the time! Most are on Facebook during the work day or goofing off, not really doing anything. Now I don't believe in back breaking work, but I do believe that work should add value. How are you adding value when all you do is go on Facebook while at work? One cannot be made at someone for taking advantage of a job where they don't have much to do by logging onto Facebook, Youtube, etc. But when the layoffs come, and companies decide to cut down on your job, you have to realize they could have laid you off any time. These people don't lay off those who are of high value to the company - point blank!
Consciousness must rise! The worth of humanity must rise! Individuals must become more reliable.
Metaphysically, the message from events like high unemployment and layoffs translates to value. Humanity must learn to become valuable again. We must provide jobs, and take part in jobs that are of value to the planet. Humanity must also lose its ignorance, and become educated again, self-educated that is! Most are surprised when they read early United States documents like the Articles of Confederation, or even the Federalist papers, they notice that these people were well taught. These people were well studied and knew their stuff! They spoke eloquently and wrote methodically, and one cannot help but realize that these folks were on top of their game. According to literacy tests, people were 75%-100% literate in those times! They were definitely more literate than the new-age Americans, who suffer from aliteracy and get all their information from media outlets (that are largely controlled and sanctioned). Did you know that before the institution of public schools worldwide, people actually could read better? Yep! The literacy rate was higher.
People like George Washington were taught by their father or had a private teacher. Many others were simply self taught or studied under people. This was very successful as evidenced by the quality of people in the different colonies.
Ending, please take the time to add value to yourself. Sit down and think to yourself how can I become valuable? Take the time to study various sciences and principles. Read accounting books, read law books, learn about business, learn to speak better, learn more vocabulary words, learn astronomy, learn the cycles in nature, learn everything! Use that time you save for boredom to learn! I promise you, those who are highly skilled will never be out of a job, or if they are, they will have no trouble getting back to where they want to be! It is only inevitable! If people like Booker T. Washington can go against the odds by becoming a better person, than ANYONE can.
This does not mean to go out and just study everything. Learn your niche, learn what you are good at, and focus on becoming better at that, cultivate your skill! Don't pick up something random that you hate. Don't pick up accounting when your spirit is totally against it. Do the things you know that you are good at. Do the things you enjoy, but become a MASTER at it, there is no room for being mediocre at what you are meant to do, no excuse! If you are good at making shoes, you better make some of the best and most comfortable shoes! If you are good at quoting basketball stats to your friends and you love it, then you better becoming the best scout or analyst, or something dealing with the stats of the sport. You better be a master at it though! No room for lackluster efforts or laziness.
Thanks for reading!
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Why Stress Can Be Beneficial
Stress is not always a negative thing. People fail to realize that everything on this planet has a polarity, everything has its own use! As the Book of Ecclesiastics (book that was transmitted from Ancient Egypt) states, there is a time and season for everything, even for emotions such as morose and anger. They are all relevant to an individual's experiences on Earth. Lately, all the anti-stress campaigns have failed to address the fact that stress can at time, be beneficial. Without stress, the early human beings would not have made it through various situations. Stress stimulates the need for evolution (by this I mean forward movement).
Stress conceives an itch for change. When someone is stressed out, the body is supplemented with extra hormone and other chemical processes that support action. The insalubrious effects of stress only result when constant stress occurs with no action. This usually happens with people who consecutively hate their lifestyle (especially jobs) and fail to get up and do something about it. The stress is not the problem, its only a means.
The populace should take responsibility for every aspect of their lives (that are within their control). Any bodily response like stress is only produced by the actions and lifestyle of the individual. No chemical reaction in the body can happen without a cause.
The cure for stress is not some pill, or better sleep, the cure is to act upon that which is stressing you out. All other paths are only hacking at the branches and not the root. If you are stressed about a certain job position, sit down and learn what you need to do to be in a position that fits you more, or identify WHY the job is stressing you out. Is it really the job, or is it you?
Now, the real masters know how to use stress properly. They understand that stress is actually a helper to the human being if used correctly. Of course it shouldn't be a daily thing, but if you are working on a project, or want to get something done, and you need to perform at a high level, stress can certainly accommodate your success. Don't believe me? Give yourself a deadline to do something and watch you work towards it like a drug fiend. The chemicals produced by stress have only been found to be deadly if they are constantly released by the endocrine system. Its the same story as the adrenals, in certain situations they are a life savor, but if continually used they will become exhausted and cause an imbalance in the body.
Bottom line, don't fear stress! Learn about it. Education beats ignorance. If you are stressed over a situation, it signal the need for change. When you are stressed or anxious about some coming event, don't worry, it is there to help, accept the fact the stress will help, and you will see a transformation of the energy of stress into something useful.
Thanks for reading!
Sean Tudor Carter
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Stress conceives an itch for change. When someone is stressed out, the body is supplemented with extra hormone and other chemical processes that support action. The insalubrious effects of stress only result when constant stress occurs with no action. This usually happens with people who consecutively hate their lifestyle (especially jobs) and fail to get up and do something about it. The stress is not the problem, its only a means.
The populace should take responsibility for every aspect of their lives (that are within their control). Any bodily response like stress is only produced by the actions and lifestyle of the individual. No chemical reaction in the body can happen without a cause.
The cure for stress is not some pill, or better sleep, the cure is to act upon that which is stressing you out. All other paths are only hacking at the branches and not the root. If you are stressed about a certain job position, sit down and learn what you need to do to be in a position that fits you more, or identify WHY the job is stressing you out. Is it really the job, or is it you?
Now, the real masters know how to use stress properly. They understand that stress is actually a helper to the human being if used correctly. Of course it shouldn't be a daily thing, but if you are working on a project, or want to get something done, and you need to perform at a high level, stress can certainly accommodate your success. Don't believe me? Give yourself a deadline to do something and watch you work towards it like a drug fiend. The chemicals produced by stress have only been found to be deadly if they are constantly released by the endocrine system. Its the same story as the adrenals, in certain situations they are a life savor, but if continually used they will become exhausted and cause an imbalance in the body.
Bottom line, don't fear stress! Learn about it. Education beats ignorance. If you are stressed over a situation, it signal the need for change. When you are stressed or anxious about some coming event, don't worry, it is there to help, accept the fact the stress will help, and you will see a transformation of the energy of stress into something useful.
Thanks for reading!
Sean Tudor Carter
"We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial."
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Why Racism is Powerless
This article stems from a question someone asked. They asked about a
statement made by Messy (Jesse) Jackson in which he stated that blacks
can't be racist because we don't have the power to do so. In this
article, I am going to deconstruct that entire position. So sit back,
open your mind and learn something....
In my opinion, it's not okay for anyone of any race to be racist and to say that blacks can't be racist is bullshit. I guess what Jesse Jackson was trying to say was that blacks don't have the economic power and means to oppress. But that is again false. The true definition of racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. If you don't believe me, look it up. By that definition, anyone can be racist because racism is simply a state of mind. The implementation of an actual system to control you and/or deprive you of your rights is called oppression. Unfortunately, blacks seem to think that racism and oppression are synonymous terms, and they aren't. Some say that blacks don't have the power to oppress but blacks do a good job of oppressing each other. "How so," you might ask and I'll explain. Whenever a black person is engaging in any action that is constructive and progressive (speaking properly, avoiding legal trouble, valuing education, family and hard work, etc), he or she is accused of acting white, selling out, being an Uncle Tom, hating themselves, etc. But as long as you're engaging in all things deconstructive (selling dope, killing, incarceration, etc.), you're told that you're "keepin' it real."
This attempt to change the definition of racism is due largely to your pro-black sector of African-Americans and also your race hustlers in an attempt to hide their own racism. These guys say the most despicable things about other races of people, and people began to call them out on their hypocrisy. To counter people's claims of hypocrisy, they sought to change the definition of racism from being about a feeling towards another race to being about economic means and oppression. But again, that's bullshit and blacks are by far the most racist people on the planet by true definition. However...
During Jim Crow, blacks dealt w/ oppression that stemmed from racism but the oppression wasn't racism in itself (if that makes sense). To put it simply, the oppressors of the day were motivated by racism. But nowadays, there's no racially motivated oppression taking place. What blacks refer to today as racially motivated oppression is nothing more than them harvesting the fruits which they've planted. The seeds they've planted is ignorance, hatred, anti-intellectualism, glorification of all of the destructive forces in the black community, consumerism, etc. It's a common law of nature that whatever you plant, has the potential to provide a ten-fold return. In other words...if you lead a life of degeneracy, you're only going to get more degeneracy in return. There's no "racism" in that.
Besides, who gives a fuck if a person is racist if they don't have any power over you? Racism nowadays is no different than a person disliking someone for being fat or some other silly form of intolerance. The truth is that people are gonna dislike you for whatever reason. Anything that differentiates you from another person, there's someone who will dislike you for it. But there's no need to make a public spectacle of it. That being said...GET OVER IT.
I know, I know...this is where you're gonna attempt to justify your hatred because of slavery. How can you honestly justify any group of people hating another for something that happened more than a century ago and not even to you? First off, not every white person owned a slave, but I'll touch on that in a moment. What if a white man were assaulted and robbed by a group of blacks, and from that moment on, hated them for the rest of his life. Not only that, he taught his kids to hate blacks, and then his family passed that hatred down from generation to generation. Now you have generations hating a group of people because of something that happened to a relative a long time ago....not even to them. That's exactly how you all are acting. So, please explain to me how are you so traumatized over something that didn't even happen to you?
Yeah, slavery happened and it was terrible, but slavery was NOT a racially motivated event (I'll explain why slavery was promoted as being racially motivated later). The truth of the matter is that slavery was purely economic. If you don't think slavery was mainly economic based, then you need to go back and read the whole slew of documents on the subject. Why else would you have slaves, but to have an economic advantage (free labor)? If racism is the basis of slavery, then why did pale skinned slaves exist? Why were the majority of whites also in bondage or in poverty (have you seen Mary Poppins)? Why did Black & Red (Native American) slave owners exist amongst white slave owners?
The majority of people didn't have any say or rights. During those days, "rights" were connected to "land ownership," something the masses of whites NEVER would even dream of having. Only about 10% of the population were landowners, and had rights to vote, etc. Its still that way to this day, but it's masked. They give so called civil rights to the people to act like they were apart of the nation, but they are still serfs. If you study law, you will see nothing changed on that level, its all about ASSETS in this bitch, not skin color. As I said above, while slavery was going on in the U.S., various European nations paid monetary tributes to nations ran by dark skinned people, in North Africa. How is this so? In fact, there are letters between George Washington and a Sultan in North Africa - Washington gave him praise.
If you wanna take it further, there was a time in history when whites were slaves to the Africans. But on a side note, I'll give whites and other ethnic groups credit for keeping secret their history of servitude. They don't reminisce on it and parade it around like it's something to be proud of. Whites only display the part of their history that displays them as superior. Because they keep their period of servitude a secret, the rest of the world view whites as superior. For the same reason, we need to forget about slavery and began to celebrate the part of our history that show us in a position of power. I honestly don't see what benefit a black child would miss out on if they didn't know anything about slavery, especially the fucked up way in which its taught in our society that does nothing but breed hatred and inferiority.
That being said, the only after effects slavery has on blacks are the effects that you all continue to force on yourselves. Choosing to live in a state of degeneracy just so you can somehow prove that the "white man" won't let you succeed is one of the worse. Blacks kill each other at a rate of over 94%, but that gets overlooked. Blacks spend so much time trying to identify with the slave lifestyle that they invite certain issues into their lives. Trying to figure out all the fine details of what being a slave was like isn't going to get you anywhere. Please don't refer to Willie Lynch because it's been proven that Willie Lynch never existed and that entire speech for which he was credited as giving was pure fiction. The effect of Willie Lynch has become nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. Meaning that blacks caught wind of that letter and unconsciously began to act out those things in order to make them true. "Willie Lynch" was crafted by the CIA. Just like the movie "Roots" was also put together by Alex Haley who had ties to the CIA. Why would the CIA do this? Because...getting you to continuously reminisce on slavery keeps you weak. So they gave you Roots and Willie Lynch.
Also, yes there was racism as a result of slavery and even oppression that stemmed from the racism. But let's break that down. The racist oppression was carried out by poor whites. Why? Because the idea of slavery was also sold to poor whites as being racially motivated (which I will explain WHY below). As a result, we had Jim Crow. FYI: The first slaves to arrive in America were actually white (Irish), not blacks.
Let's take this thing up another notch. It has been documented that racism was a tool specifically constructed by social engineers during the 1600s in order to keep poor whites and blacks at war with each other. It's been shown that the white race was "invented" specifically for that purpose. The reason racism was created was so that poor whites and blacks would be so busy fighting that they'd never notice that they are both being screwed over by an elite group of people. And if you look around you today, you will see that this is still very much the case. I'm not going to go into too much detail on that but I'll recommend a few books that will explain exactly that later in this article.
I'd also like to address something else that black people could learn from. I've already outlined how poor whites terrorized blacks during the late 1800s to mid 1900s. The only reason they were able to do that, despite being poor is because they knew how to come together, pool their resources and further their agenda. That's all the KKK was....a group of poor, crazy rednecks (who happened to be Democrats...the political party blacks vote for 95%) who banded together with a cause in mind. That is how a group of poor whites were able to rise to power. Black people complain about not having any power but if we banded together like poor whites did, we could rise to power pretty fast as well.
I know that some negro is going to say that racism is keeping them down by stating that it takes money to succeed in America, let me debunk that as well. It doesn't take money to make money, it takes CAPITAL to make money. Capital can be raised through various sources. It's been stated that the spending power of black America has reached $1.1 trillion annually. With that sort of spending power, there's no excuse for black enterprise to go unfunded. That is more than enough money to have plenty of black owned Venture Capital and Private Equity firms and even Investment Banks geared towards funding black entrepreneurs. But the failure to put our money together, instead deciding to blow it on frivolous items, is what is paralyzing black enterprise.
Speaking of black enterprise, this brings me to another point. The segregation was mostly a good thing. It has been proven that segregation was more beneficial to the black community (as evidenced in higher educational based scores, higher business ownership [Black Wall Street], etc). The civil rights movement and all that was funded by the children of industrialists, it was not sincerely a black thing. We fail to miss the point when we take an emotional-ass stance, instead of dealing with facts.
I also suggest you crack open a few books of black entrepreneurs who started with nothing and worked their way up to super wealth. I suggest reading about A.G. Gaston and Reginald Lewis (the first black billionaire). Read about Reginald Lewis especially, because he made his fortune through Leveraged Buyouts, which is a white dominated field but whites (such as Michael Milken) worked with him because he didn't use his race as a crutch. Anyone who tells you that it takes money to make money is an idiot. How much sense does it say that you have to already be rich to get rich?
Some may even reference the Jews, but I give the Jews credit as well because instead of reflecting on their period of servitude and genocide, they also have risen to a level of power and have taken shit over. They've infiltrated banking, law, etc. after being denied access to these arenas. You don't see them using the holocaust as an excuse for everything. In fact, every group on this earth has been persecuted and enslaved at some point, but they moved on and began to thrive. However, it's only blacks who continue to hold on to it and use it as a crutch for everything.
Here's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna advise you to stop getting your history lessons only from pro-black sources. Those types ALWAYS have an agenda, and that agenda is to profit from your ignorance by using skin color. Here's a few books I've read and that you should read that will tell you the truth about the other side of the coin:
White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam's One Million White Slaves
They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
The Invention of the White Race
So, that's your answer. Blacks use that "blacks can't be racist" line to justify their own double standard of racism. They want to be racist but don't want anyone to be racist towards them. I've also debunked the idea that racism is somehow keeping black people down. I know that as a black man, I'm gonna catch hell from other black people on here for saying what I've said, but I've got to call the foolishness out.
P.S: A lot of those pro-black types are probably right in that blacks will never dominate whites. But hold on...why would they want to dominate whites anyways? Aren't they mad at whites for their dominance, so why do they want to do the same thing that they claim to be mad about? But anyways, this failure to dominate won't be because of a lack of guns, but because blacks fight hard to remain ignorant and inferior. That's right...blacks WANT to be inferior and ignorant. Why? Because it helps them to continue to feel like that victims of society. To a large part of the race, being able to play the victim and race card is more important than doing well in life. I don't understand it, but a large part of the community thinks that way.
In my opinion, it's not okay for anyone of any race to be racist and to say that blacks can't be racist is bullshit. I guess what Jesse Jackson was trying to say was that blacks don't have the economic power and means to oppress. But that is again false. The true definition of racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. If you don't believe me, look it up. By that definition, anyone can be racist because racism is simply a state of mind. The implementation of an actual system to control you and/or deprive you of your rights is called oppression. Unfortunately, blacks seem to think that racism and oppression are synonymous terms, and they aren't. Some say that blacks don't have the power to oppress but blacks do a good job of oppressing each other. "How so," you might ask and I'll explain. Whenever a black person is engaging in any action that is constructive and progressive (speaking properly, avoiding legal trouble, valuing education, family and hard work, etc), he or she is accused of acting white, selling out, being an Uncle Tom, hating themselves, etc. But as long as you're engaging in all things deconstructive (selling dope, killing, incarceration, etc.), you're told that you're "keepin' it real."
This attempt to change the definition of racism is due largely to your pro-black sector of African-Americans and also your race hustlers in an attempt to hide their own racism. These guys say the most despicable things about other races of people, and people began to call them out on their hypocrisy. To counter people's claims of hypocrisy, they sought to change the definition of racism from being about a feeling towards another race to being about economic means and oppression. But again, that's bullshit and blacks are by far the most racist people on the planet by true definition. However...
During Jim Crow, blacks dealt w/ oppression that stemmed from racism but the oppression wasn't racism in itself (if that makes sense). To put it simply, the oppressors of the day were motivated by racism. But nowadays, there's no racially motivated oppression taking place. What blacks refer to today as racially motivated oppression is nothing more than them harvesting the fruits which they've planted. The seeds they've planted is ignorance, hatred, anti-intellectualism, glorification of all of the destructive forces in the black community, consumerism, etc. It's a common law of nature that whatever you plant, has the potential to provide a ten-fold return. In other words...if you lead a life of degeneracy, you're only going to get more degeneracy in return. There's no "racism" in that.
Besides, who gives a fuck if a person is racist if they don't have any power over you? Racism nowadays is no different than a person disliking someone for being fat or some other silly form of intolerance. The truth is that people are gonna dislike you for whatever reason. Anything that differentiates you from another person, there's someone who will dislike you for it. But there's no need to make a public spectacle of it. That being said...GET OVER IT.
I know, I know...this is where you're gonna attempt to justify your hatred because of slavery. How can you honestly justify any group of people hating another for something that happened more than a century ago and not even to you? First off, not every white person owned a slave, but I'll touch on that in a moment. What if a white man were assaulted and robbed by a group of blacks, and from that moment on, hated them for the rest of his life. Not only that, he taught his kids to hate blacks, and then his family passed that hatred down from generation to generation. Now you have generations hating a group of people because of something that happened to a relative a long time ago....not even to them. That's exactly how you all are acting. So, please explain to me how are you so traumatized over something that didn't even happen to you?
Yeah, slavery happened and it was terrible, but slavery was NOT a racially motivated event (I'll explain why slavery was promoted as being racially motivated later). The truth of the matter is that slavery was purely economic. If you don't think slavery was mainly economic based, then you need to go back and read the whole slew of documents on the subject. Why else would you have slaves, but to have an economic advantage (free labor)? If racism is the basis of slavery, then why did pale skinned slaves exist? Why were the majority of whites also in bondage or in poverty (have you seen Mary Poppins)? Why did Black & Red (Native American) slave owners exist amongst white slave owners?
The majority of people didn't have any say or rights. During those days, "rights" were connected to "land ownership," something the masses of whites NEVER would even dream of having. Only about 10% of the population were landowners, and had rights to vote, etc. Its still that way to this day, but it's masked. They give so called civil rights to the people to act like they were apart of the nation, but they are still serfs. If you study law, you will see nothing changed on that level, its all about ASSETS in this bitch, not skin color. As I said above, while slavery was going on in the U.S., various European nations paid monetary tributes to nations ran by dark skinned people, in North Africa. How is this so? In fact, there are letters between George Washington and a Sultan in North Africa - Washington gave him praise.
If you wanna take it further, there was a time in history when whites were slaves to the Africans. But on a side note, I'll give whites and other ethnic groups credit for keeping secret their history of servitude. They don't reminisce on it and parade it around like it's something to be proud of. Whites only display the part of their history that displays them as superior. Because they keep their period of servitude a secret, the rest of the world view whites as superior. For the same reason, we need to forget about slavery and began to celebrate the part of our history that show us in a position of power. I honestly don't see what benefit a black child would miss out on if they didn't know anything about slavery, especially the fucked up way in which its taught in our society that does nothing but breed hatred and inferiority.
That being said, the only after effects slavery has on blacks are the effects that you all continue to force on yourselves. Choosing to live in a state of degeneracy just so you can somehow prove that the "white man" won't let you succeed is one of the worse. Blacks kill each other at a rate of over 94%, but that gets overlooked. Blacks spend so much time trying to identify with the slave lifestyle that they invite certain issues into their lives. Trying to figure out all the fine details of what being a slave was like isn't going to get you anywhere. Please don't refer to Willie Lynch because it's been proven that Willie Lynch never existed and that entire speech for which he was credited as giving was pure fiction. The effect of Willie Lynch has become nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. Meaning that blacks caught wind of that letter and unconsciously began to act out those things in order to make them true. "Willie Lynch" was crafted by the CIA. Just like the movie "Roots" was also put together by Alex Haley who had ties to the CIA. Why would the CIA do this? Because...getting you to continuously reminisce on slavery keeps you weak. So they gave you Roots and Willie Lynch.
Also, yes there was racism as a result of slavery and even oppression that stemmed from the racism. But let's break that down. The racist oppression was carried out by poor whites. Why? Because the idea of slavery was also sold to poor whites as being racially motivated (which I will explain WHY below). As a result, we had Jim Crow. FYI: The first slaves to arrive in America were actually white (Irish), not blacks.
Let's take this thing up another notch. It has been documented that racism was a tool specifically constructed by social engineers during the 1600s in order to keep poor whites and blacks at war with each other. It's been shown that the white race was "invented" specifically for that purpose. The reason racism was created was so that poor whites and blacks would be so busy fighting that they'd never notice that they are both being screwed over by an elite group of people. And if you look around you today, you will see that this is still very much the case. I'm not going to go into too much detail on that but I'll recommend a few books that will explain exactly that later in this article.
I'd also like to address something else that black people could learn from. I've already outlined how poor whites terrorized blacks during the late 1800s to mid 1900s. The only reason they were able to do that, despite being poor is because they knew how to come together, pool their resources and further their agenda. That's all the KKK was....a group of poor, crazy rednecks (who happened to be Democrats...the political party blacks vote for 95%) who banded together with a cause in mind. That is how a group of poor whites were able to rise to power. Black people complain about not having any power but if we banded together like poor whites did, we could rise to power pretty fast as well.
I know that some negro is going to say that racism is keeping them down by stating that it takes money to succeed in America, let me debunk that as well. It doesn't take money to make money, it takes CAPITAL to make money. Capital can be raised through various sources. It's been stated that the spending power of black America has reached $1.1 trillion annually. With that sort of spending power, there's no excuse for black enterprise to go unfunded. That is more than enough money to have plenty of black owned Venture Capital and Private Equity firms and even Investment Banks geared towards funding black entrepreneurs. But the failure to put our money together, instead deciding to blow it on frivolous items, is what is paralyzing black enterprise.
Speaking of black enterprise, this brings me to another point. The segregation was mostly a good thing. It has been proven that segregation was more beneficial to the black community (as evidenced in higher educational based scores, higher business ownership [Black Wall Street], etc). The civil rights movement and all that was funded by the children of industrialists, it was not sincerely a black thing. We fail to miss the point when we take an emotional-ass stance, instead of dealing with facts.
I also suggest you crack open a few books of black entrepreneurs who started with nothing and worked their way up to super wealth. I suggest reading about A.G. Gaston and Reginald Lewis (the first black billionaire). Read about Reginald Lewis especially, because he made his fortune through Leveraged Buyouts, which is a white dominated field but whites (such as Michael Milken) worked with him because he didn't use his race as a crutch. Anyone who tells you that it takes money to make money is an idiot. How much sense does it say that you have to already be rich to get rich?
Some may even reference the Jews, but I give the Jews credit as well because instead of reflecting on their period of servitude and genocide, they also have risen to a level of power and have taken shit over. They've infiltrated banking, law, etc. after being denied access to these arenas. You don't see them using the holocaust as an excuse for everything. In fact, every group on this earth has been persecuted and enslaved at some point, but they moved on and began to thrive. However, it's only blacks who continue to hold on to it and use it as a crutch for everything.
Here's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna advise you to stop getting your history lessons only from pro-black sources. Those types ALWAYS have an agenda, and that agenda is to profit from your ignorance by using skin color. Here's a few books I've read and that you should read that will tell you the truth about the other side of the coin:
White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam's One Million White Slaves
They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
The Invention of the White Race
So, that's your answer. Blacks use that "blacks can't be racist" line to justify their own double standard of racism. They want to be racist but don't want anyone to be racist towards them. I've also debunked the idea that racism is somehow keeping black people down. I know that as a black man, I'm gonna catch hell from other black people on here for saying what I've said, but I've got to call the foolishness out.
P.S: A lot of those pro-black types are probably right in that blacks will never dominate whites. But hold on...why would they want to dominate whites anyways? Aren't they mad at whites for their dominance, so why do they want to do the same thing that they claim to be mad about? But anyways, this failure to dominate won't be because of a lack of guns, but because blacks fight hard to remain ignorant and inferior. That's right...blacks WANT to be inferior and ignorant. Why? Because it helps them to continue to feel like that victims of society. To a large part of the race, being able to play the victim and race card is more important than doing well in life. I don't understand it, but a large part of the community thinks that way.
The Virtues of Starting Small In Business
The subject which I'm going to be discussing today is one that took me a while to understand myself. At first, the concept of starting small in business just didn't seem rational to me at the time. Besides, we all go into business for ourselves because we want to earn our financial freedom and even get rich in the process, right? "But," you might be thinking, "I didn't get into business to earn nickels and dimes, I want the big bucks!" I'm gonna explain why that is exactly the wrong approach to have when it comes to business.
I can recall conversations I'd had with an older guy who'd been successful in business for more than 50 years (he's generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue over the years). His main business was selling. He told me that many young entrepreneurs fail because they go into business immediately aiming for the big bucks. He then quoted a statement similar to the one I quoted above as a typical statement given by an up and coming entrepreneur. This is when he said, "But, how do they think I made my millions? I started out collecting pennies and nickels!" If that approach is good enough for a man of his success, it should be good enough for everyone. Here's another point I will add: After collecting enough nickels and dimes, what eventually happens? Those coins become dollars!
I remember my first full time business, that of being a Graphic Designer. This was 5 years ago and I was in my early twenties old at the time. My intention going into this business was to supplement the income I was making on my job. Being single and having no children, it didn't take a heck of a lot for me to live on. Heck, my job was only paying $500 a week. After marketing my services for a while, I began to pull in enough money to match my working income. Then I ended up being suspended indefinitely from my job (which lasted four months), which also happened to be unpaid! With rent and bills to pay, thankfully I had money saved up. And like an idiot, I also had a hefty car note. At this point, I pounded the pavement hard trying to drum up new business! Before I knew it, that $500 a week I was making from my job, I was making triple that amount per week from my business. For someone in their early 20's with no children, that was damn good money. It got to a point where I could relax and make moves throughout the day and the money would just come in. I'd be on a date, and my phone would be ringing with new clients making arrangements to send me money. I attribute that experience to my willingness to start small instead of immediately going for the big bucks. I didn't expect for it to take off like it did.
Now let's talk about, from my personal experience again, the downside of going into a business immediately expecting to hit it big. When I first started trading, I had goals of making thousands of dollars a day. I didn't have a great deal of capital to start with (I'll discuss why that was key in a moment). I'd have profitable days where I'd make anywhere from $200-$500 dollars. But since I was being greedy and trying to hit the home run, I didn't recognize how good I had it at that time. So, after a profitable trading day, I'd reenter the market in a haphazard manner when the odds were stacked against trying to hit that thousand-dollar mark and end up losing some of my profits. There would even be times when I'd try to setup for a big move, I'd correctly anticipate it, but I'd be on the wrong side of the trade. Because I was under-capitalized at that time, I couldn't reverse my position and get on the right side of the move. Eventually, I came to my senses and realized that the best thing for me to do would be to continue to have those $200-$500 dollar days and hold off on the big market moves (there were times when I'd get caught in a big move in my favor and I'd let my profits run way past $500). That way, I could slowly but surely build up my capital and because I'm not trying to anticipate huge market swings, I lower my chances of getting caught on the wrong side of a major swing. That's the approach I took and it worked really well.
So what was the point of those two personal accounts? I'll tell you. The point was to illustrate the difference in results when I went into business with the intention of starting small and the intention of hitting it big. One approach had the intention of turning out disastrous, while the other took a realistic approach. You don't have to be a Graphic Artist or a Trader to understand my point because this simple concept is universal. In order to make it to the big times, you have to be willing to start small. That is evidenced even in the laws of nature. Does a person go from being an infant to immediately becoming an adult? Of course not! There's a growth period, in that and in everything else. Besides, even if a person did actually succeed in going from 0 to 100, they wouldn't know how to properly manage it anyways. Don't believe that's true? Just look at lottery winners!
Conclusion: There's no shame in starting small in business. Anyone who says otherwise is most likely not in touch with reality, or a plain ole cynic. While it may be possible to go from 0 to 100, setting that as a goal can lead to disastrous results and huge disappointments. The best thing for you to do as I learned is to set realistic goals and grow from there.
I can recall conversations I'd had with an older guy who'd been successful in business for more than 50 years (he's generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue over the years). His main business was selling. He told me that many young entrepreneurs fail because they go into business immediately aiming for the big bucks. He then quoted a statement similar to the one I quoted above as a typical statement given by an up and coming entrepreneur. This is when he said, "But, how do they think I made my millions? I started out collecting pennies and nickels!" If that approach is good enough for a man of his success, it should be good enough for everyone. Here's another point I will add: After collecting enough nickels and dimes, what eventually happens? Those coins become dollars!
I remember my first full time business, that of being a Graphic Designer. This was 5 years ago and I was in my early twenties old at the time. My intention going into this business was to supplement the income I was making on my job. Being single and having no children, it didn't take a heck of a lot for me to live on. Heck, my job was only paying $500 a week. After marketing my services for a while, I began to pull in enough money to match my working income. Then I ended up being suspended indefinitely from my job (which lasted four months), which also happened to be unpaid! With rent and bills to pay, thankfully I had money saved up. And like an idiot, I also had a hefty car note. At this point, I pounded the pavement hard trying to drum up new business! Before I knew it, that $500 a week I was making from my job, I was making triple that amount per week from my business. For someone in their early 20's with no children, that was damn good money. It got to a point where I could relax and make moves throughout the day and the money would just come in. I'd be on a date, and my phone would be ringing with new clients making arrangements to send me money. I attribute that experience to my willingness to start small instead of immediately going for the big bucks. I didn't expect for it to take off like it did.
Now let's talk about, from my personal experience again, the downside of going into a business immediately expecting to hit it big. When I first started trading, I had goals of making thousands of dollars a day. I didn't have a great deal of capital to start with (I'll discuss why that was key in a moment). I'd have profitable days where I'd make anywhere from $200-$500 dollars. But since I was being greedy and trying to hit the home run, I didn't recognize how good I had it at that time. So, after a profitable trading day, I'd reenter the market in a haphazard manner when the odds were stacked against trying to hit that thousand-dollar mark and end up losing some of my profits. There would even be times when I'd try to setup for a big move, I'd correctly anticipate it, but I'd be on the wrong side of the trade. Because I was under-capitalized at that time, I couldn't reverse my position and get on the right side of the move. Eventually, I came to my senses and realized that the best thing for me to do would be to continue to have those $200-$500 dollar days and hold off on the big market moves (there were times when I'd get caught in a big move in my favor and I'd let my profits run way past $500). That way, I could slowly but surely build up my capital and because I'm not trying to anticipate huge market swings, I lower my chances of getting caught on the wrong side of a major swing. That's the approach I took and it worked really well.
So what was the point of those two personal accounts? I'll tell you. The point was to illustrate the difference in results when I went into business with the intention of starting small and the intention of hitting it big. One approach had the intention of turning out disastrous, while the other took a realistic approach. You don't have to be a Graphic Artist or a Trader to understand my point because this simple concept is universal. In order to make it to the big times, you have to be willing to start small. That is evidenced even in the laws of nature. Does a person go from being an infant to immediately becoming an adult? Of course not! There's a growth period, in that and in everything else. Besides, even if a person did actually succeed in going from 0 to 100, they wouldn't know how to properly manage it anyways. Don't believe that's true? Just look at lottery winners!
Conclusion: There's no shame in starting small in business. Anyone who says otherwise is most likely not in touch with reality, or a plain ole cynic. While it may be possible to go from 0 to 100, setting that as a goal can lead to disastrous results and huge disappointments. The best thing for you to do as I learned is to set realistic goals and grow from there.
Friday, September 13, 2013
There's No Excuse To Be Uneducated
Yep, I said it. In today's time, there is absolutely no excuse to be uneducated. You may look around and see the costs of higher education (college) rising and think to yourself "college is become increasingly unaffordable which makes it difficult for most to attend." Others will complain of the quality of the schools in their areas and so forth. But we're gonna dispel those myths (excuses, rather) in this article.
We live in a world that is becoming more and more technologically advanced everyday. Through this advancement in technology, it has made the access to information much easier than ever before. If one has a simple question to which they have no answer, they can simply Google it and find the answer in a few seconds. But with information so readily available, many will make the claim that education is off-limits to them. There is an abundance of information on the information, I might add. In fact, you have entire websites setup solely for the purpose of providing free education on a variety of subjects. There are even YouTube channels setup to teach people any and everything they would like to know.
These same people who claim that education is hard to obtain will search log on to the internet every single day to engage in buffoonery on social media for hours at a time, but they never thought to use that same internet to search for topics in which they wish to become educated. Instead of going on YouTube to access the wealth of free knowledge, they watch twerk videos, people fighting and other savage nonsense. If you're reading this and you think that I'm lying about the ease of access to free information available online, just do a Google search on any topic you wish to learn and watch what comes up.
Now let's talk about another avenue of obtaining education. Then there are some that will complain about the public school systems which they attend. While the teaching may be subpar, you can supplement what isn't being learned in the classroom by visiting the free library(s) in your local area. The only thing one has to do is get a library card, which again is free, and they have unlimited access to a wealth of information. But unfortunately, these libraries are largely ignored by those who claim to want knowledge.
Aside from the vast amount of knowledge available on the internet, you also have books written by professionals in their field. There are financiers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, doctors, philosophers, etc., who author books which practically outlines the knowledge they've amassed after years in their line of work. Someone may say that they don't have $20-30 to spend on a book by these authors, but that's yet another excuse because a lot of these types of books can be found on places like Amazon, eBay, etc., for dirt cheap. I've caught many great works for $0.01 (plus shipping). Besides, how dare you complain about spending $20-30 for a book when you have no problem spending hundreds of dollars on a single pair of shoes or some other frivolous crap that contribute nothing positive to your life. Which brings to mind a quote (I have no idea who authored this quote). It goes, "Rich people have big libraries and small TVs. Poor people have small libraries and big TVs." That quote can be taken to the bank.
Many people like to approach me and condemn me for knowing the things I know. If you're a reader of my material, then you know that my field is the Financial Markets. They tell me that I'm lucky to be proficient in my field and that they can't afford college...and so forth. Truth be told, I never attended college. I simply did the things I've outlined here. I read books by authors that are masters in their fields, watched videos, talked to others in the field, etc. That being said, I can tell you from personal experience that there is no excuse to be uneducated.
I'd be remiss in my duties here if I didn't warn you of one thing and that is: acquiring education isn't a straight shot. What I mean is...there are people who publish books, video courses, (and every other educational material I've mentioned), who have no clue what they're talking about. Many of those types are either misinformed or only out for a quick buck. So there's a chance that you're gonna have to encounter some junk every now and then. In other words, you will have to use the trial and error method to find the credible sources.
Now that we have countered every excuse one makes for being educated, let me counter one more. If you have noticed, my solutions have been centered around self-education and because of that, some will argue that obtaining education independently won't help you to land a job because employers want to see a college degree. That person may have a point, but that is why the self-education route is usually most preferred by people that are entrepreneurial. But since this isn't about acquiring a job, but about gaining knowledge, I've explained how you can in fact gain that knowledge you claim to desperately seek. It's out there for the one is keeping it from you despite the foolishness you may have been told.
We live in a world that is becoming more and more technologically advanced everyday. Through this advancement in technology, it has made the access to information much easier than ever before. If one has a simple question to which they have no answer, they can simply Google it and find the answer in a few seconds. But with information so readily available, many will make the claim that education is off-limits to them. There is an abundance of information on the information, I might add. In fact, you have entire websites setup solely for the purpose of providing free education on a variety of subjects. There are even YouTube channels setup to teach people any and everything they would like to know.
These same people who claim that education is hard to obtain will search log on to the internet every single day to engage in buffoonery on social media for hours at a time, but they never thought to use that same internet to search for topics in which they wish to become educated. Instead of going on YouTube to access the wealth of free knowledge, they watch twerk videos, people fighting and other savage nonsense. If you're reading this and you think that I'm lying about the ease of access to free information available online, just do a Google search on any topic you wish to learn and watch what comes up.
Now let's talk about another avenue of obtaining education. Then there are some that will complain about the public school systems which they attend. While the teaching may be subpar, you can supplement what isn't being learned in the classroom by visiting the free library(s) in your local area. The only thing one has to do is get a library card, which again is free, and they have unlimited access to a wealth of information. But unfortunately, these libraries are largely ignored by those who claim to want knowledge.
Aside from the vast amount of knowledge available on the internet, you also have books written by professionals in their field. There are financiers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, doctors, philosophers, etc., who author books which practically outlines the knowledge they've amassed after years in their line of work. Someone may say that they don't have $20-30 to spend on a book by these authors, but that's yet another excuse because a lot of these types of books can be found on places like Amazon, eBay, etc., for dirt cheap. I've caught many great works for $0.01 (plus shipping). Besides, how dare you complain about spending $20-30 for a book when you have no problem spending hundreds of dollars on a single pair of shoes or some other frivolous crap that contribute nothing positive to your life. Which brings to mind a quote (I have no idea who authored this quote). It goes, "Rich people have big libraries and small TVs. Poor people have small libraries and big TVs." That quote can be taken to the bank.
Many people like to approach me and condemn me for knowing the things I know. If you're a reader of my material, then you know that my field is the Financial Markets. They tell me that I'm lucky to be proficient in my field and that they can't afford college...and so forth. Truth be told, I never attended college. I simply did the things I've outlined here. I read books by authors that are masters in their fields, watched videos, talked to others in the field, etc. That being said, I can tell you from personal experience that there is no excuse to be uneducated.
I'd be remiss in my duties here if I didn't warn you of one thing and that is: acquiring education isn't a straight shot. What I mean is...there are people who publish books, video courses, (and every other educational material I've mentioned), who have no clue what they're talking about. Many of those types are either misinformed or only out for a quick buck. So there's a chance that you're gonna have to encounter some junk every now and then. In other words, you will have to use the trial and error method to find the credible sources.
Now that we have countered every excuse one makes for being educated, let me counter one more. If you have noticed, my solutions have been centered around self-education and because of that, some will argue that obtaining education independently won't help you to land a job because employers want to see a college degree. That person may have a point, but that is why the self-education route is usually most preferred by people that are entrepreneurial. But since this isn't about acquiring a job, but about gaining knowledge, I've explained how you can in fact gain that knowledge you claim to desperately seek. It's out there for the one is keeping it from you despite the foolishness you may have been told.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Is Astrology a Real Science?
Is Astrology a Real Science?
This is the question that lingers in many individuals mind who have been smothered with a mindstate that only embraces Western ideologies, without taking a dive into more arcane sciences, arcane but yet still valid and useful.
Astrology is actually the spiritual form of astronomy. Astronomy deals with "the scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena (American Heritage Dictionary)". Astrology is the usage of the astronomical knowledge, in the lives of humans, whether the planetary effects be through physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs. Keep in mind that Astrology is not limited to spiritual affairs!
As quite as its kept, astrology is presently, and has been in usage by business officials, judiciary sects, and even police sectors. For example, many companies now invest in astrology books, in which people from the Human Resource Department must study and read before given the ability to hire a resource (human/employee) for the company. These managers pool together the names, birthdays, and other information, so they can make a informed decision based on the person's personality. Most people believe that they are chosen for labor through qualifications they've acquired on life's sojourns, but many are actually chosen due to influences in their charts that fit the personality companies are looking for. Most managers state that personality is most important in choosing new workers, because personality cannot be taught, everything else can (i.e. training)! Even police use astrological sciences, when they make most busts, chases, and other warlike events on Tuesdays (day of Ogun, Mars and all other energies of war). Even business executives launch certain ventures at specific times. There is no coincidence most of the Presidents secretly had a seer, or spiritual assistant, to let them know when to make certain moves, Abraham Lincoln was known to have his in the form of Pascal Beverly Randolph, a historical figure known for his seership.
Now the question remains. Is astrology a hoax, just a bunch of meddling folks looking to understand life's meanings through superstitious and abstract processes?
Well for those who believe its not a science (science just means to know), it is now common knowledge that the solar winds from the sun's magnetic field, carry charged particles and vibrations that enter the Van Ellen Belt surrounding Earth and effect Earth's magnetic fields. It is also known that the sun spins on its axis, causing the equator to revolve once every 28 days (from earth's standpoint) while the polar regions respond much slower taking around 37 days to complete one revolution resulting in the showering of the Earth with charged particles. This phenomena is termed the solar wind. In his book The Sun, the British Astronomer Iain Nicholson states that:
"...the bombardment of the Van Allen radiation belts, which encircle the earth, by the solar wind causes changes in the earth's magnetic field; 'Variations in the solar wind produce changes in the earth's magnetosphere that are reflected in the terrestrial magnetic field at ground level."
A manifold of possible health and behavioral effects of magnetic field variations have been studied, and have shown to effect the brain, blood pressure, body temperature, mood, amongst other things. The most interesting explanation of the science of astrology comes from the the observation by astronomers that every 12 months, a different kind of radiation from the sun results in 12 burts of magnetic activity from the Van Allen belts. Magnetic fields have been shown to affect the manufacture of DNA in tissues during pregnancy (in developing fetuses). This phenomena is the reason the ancient scientists put together a system known as astrology. It was a rather advanced study of the effects of the different solar wind periods on the absolute personality of individuals in the society. Some historians claim that ancient societies actually had children go to different apprentice programs with other groups of children in the village that were born under the same archetypes (or signs), these were called soul groups. This allowed a faster, more efficient educational system, much unlike ours which is chaotic and unbalanced to say the least.
The ancient people looked at the world through a different lense then the present day Earthlings. They believed that every child came to Earth via incarnation with a specific purpose. They also understood that each soul chooses its parents, and especially the time of birth to help accomplish that task. A soul incarnating in the influence of Virgo would help that specific being by providing its physical template and mind, with the vibrations necessary to carry out the chosen task. This was not some silly make believe charts, but science in order to further organize society. Imagine what Earth would be like if every individual knew what he/she came to Earth to do? There would be a lot less time wasted soul searching, finding yourself, etc, and more focus on the particular task, there would also be less mass confusion, hardships (which are used by your spirit guides to get you back on track) and just more spirituality in general. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan play baseball? It just wasn't his niche, astrology, numerology, and other sciences help to decode and understand the script that lays in the astral plane that describes what the individual soul came to Earth to do. This is a SCIENCE that must be understood and utilized for a smooth life on the planet. Remember all humans originally are star matter formations (cosmic dust), You're a STAR (so says the saying-every man and every woman).
This is the question that lingers in many individuals mind who have been smothered with a mindstate that only embraces Western ideologies, without taking a dive into more arcane sciences, arcane but yet still valid and useful.
Astrology is actually the spiritual form of astronomy. Astronomy deals with "the scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena (American Heritage Dictionary)". Astrology is the usage of the astronomical knowledge, in the lives of humans, whether the planetary effects be through physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs. Keep in mind that Astrology is not limited to spiritual affairs!
As quite as its kept, astrology is presently, and has been in usage by business officials, judiciary sects, and even police sectors. For example, many companies now invest in astrology books, in which people from the Human Resource Department must study and read before given the ability to hire a resource (human/employee) for the company. These managers pool together the names, birthdays, and other information, so they can make a informed decision based on the person's personality. Most people believe that they are chosen for labor through qualifications they've acquired on life's sojourns, but many are actually chosen due to influences in their charts that fit the personality companies are looking for. Most managers state that personality is most important in choosing new workers, because personality cannot be taught, everything else can (i.e. training)! Even police use astrological sciences, when they make most busts, chases, and other warlike events on Tuesdays (day of Ogun, Mars and all other energies of war). Even business executives launch certain ventures at specific times. There is no coincidence most of the Presidents secretly had a seer, or spiritual assistant, to let them know when to make certain moves, Abraham Lincoln was known to have his in the form of Pascal Beverly Randolph, a historical figure known for his seership.
Now the question remains. Is astrology a hoax, just a bunch of meddling folks looking to understand life's meanings through superstitious and abstract processes?
Well for those who believe its not a science (science just means to know), it is now common knowledge that the solar winds from the sun's magnetic field, carry charged particles and vibrations that enter the Van Ellen Belt surrounding Earth and effect Earth's magnetic fields. It is also known that the sun spins on its axis, causing the equator to revolve once every 28 days (from earth's standpoint) while the polar regions respond much slower taking around 37 days to complete one revolution resulting in the showering of the Earth with charged particles. This phenomena is termed the solar wind. In his book The Sun, the British Astronomer Iain Nicholson states that:
"...the bombardment of the Van Allen radiation belts, which encircle the earth, by the solar wind causes changes in the earth's magnetic field; 'Variations in the solar wind produce changes in the earth's magnetosphere that are reflected in the terrestrial magnetic field at ground level."
A manifold of possible health and behavioral effects of magnetic field variations have been studied, and have shown to effect the brain, blood pressure, body temperature, mood, amongst other things. The most interesting explanation of the science of astrology comes from the the observation by astronomers that every 12 months, a different kind of radiation from the sun results in 12 burts of magnetic activity from the Van Allen belts. Magnetic fields have been shown to affect the manufacture of DNA in tissues during pregnancy (in developing fetuses). This phenomena is the reason the ancient scientists put together a system known as astrology. It was a rather advanced study of the effects of the different solar wind periods on the absolute personality of individuals in the society. Some historians claim that ancient societies actually had children go to different apprentice programs with other groups of children in the village that were born under the same archetypes (or signs), these were called soul groups. This allowed a faster, more efficient educational system, much unlike ours which is chaotic and unbalanced to say the least.
The ancient people looked at the world through a different lense then the present day Earthlings. They believed that every child came to Earth via incarnation with a specific purpose. They also understood that each soul chooses its parents, and especially the time of birth to help accomplish that task. A soul incarnating in the influence of Virgo would help that specific being by providing its physical template and mind, with the vibrations necessary to carry out the chosen task. This was not some silly make believe charts, but science in order to further organize society. Imagine what Earth would be like if every individual knew what he/she came to Earth to do? There would be a lot less time wasted soul searching, finding yourself, etc, and more focus on the particular task, there would also be less mass confusion, hardships (which are used by your spirit guides to get you back on track) and just more spirituality in general. Have you ever seen Michael Jordan play baseball? It just wasn't his niche, astrology, numerology, and other sciences help to decode and understand the script that lays in the astral plane that describes what the individual soul came to Earth to do. This is a SCIENCE that must be understood and utilized for a smooth life on the planet. Remember all humans originally are star matter formations (cosmic dust), You're a STAR (so says the saying-every man and every woman).
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Are People REALLY Getting Money Via Internet Marketing?
If you're a regular reader of my blog, then you will notice that I've been exposing a lot of BS in the self-help, "how to make money" fields as of late. But I wanna take this time to relate a real life experience of my own.
All around the internet and on various online business forums, I've seen people ask a question similar to the one posed in the title. Of course most people would answer yes, but they'd reference what someone else is doing as proof. So I'm gonna tell you why I know there's money to be made in Internet Marketing (IM). By Internet Marketing, I'm referring to the practice of selling products (digital and/or physical) via the internet. Internet Marketing isn't an industry itself, just a platform to conduct business. Now let's begin....
Around mid to late 2010, I'd hit rock bottom financially after I'd mismanaged money I made in a different business. I had literally $2 in the bank, my car had just gotten repossessed and a lot more crazy things. Fortunately, the rent in my apartment was paid up for the remainder of my lease. I even began working odd jobs to earn money for my expenses. I'd been down before, but never to this degree. It really began to bother me, almost to the point of depression. At this time, I was blogging and this entire ordeal was so devastating that I shut my blog down. Why? Because I felt that I had no business blogging about business and money if I wasn't able to keep the money I'd made. Therefore, I closed my blog and began to work on making a comeback. On a side note: Some of my readers may remember when I abruptly shut my blog down in late 2010. This is the first time that I've revealed my reason.
During the time which I was plotting my comeback, I again began blogging about issues in which I felt strongly. I stayed away from talking about money. This time, blogging was more so to let loose...a way to express myself. During my stint as a blogger this go round, I'd developed a pretty loyal following in a short amount of time. I'd refer certain books and other products and people would go out and buy them. Then one day, I received an email from someone who'd read my content. This person advised me that I could make money off the products I referred. I didn't know anything about that. He was referring to the Amazon affiliate program. Needless to say, I took his advice and began to continue to refer people to products I liked. I didn't think of it as me being an affiliate, I just thought of it as...why not receive a referral fee since they're buying off of my recommendation?
After learning of the possibilities of making money online, I setup another self-hosted blog through the Wordpress platform and used my other free hosted blogs to link to my self-hosted site. I setup a steady stream of income through the Amazon affiliate program, a few Clickbank products, my own self-created products on matters in which I had experience and an affiliate network setup by a friend of mine. After a few short months, I was earning a little over $2,000 a month. Not a great deal of money, but its good for someone who started with $2 in the bank. The money I was making allowed me to buy another car w/ cash, get ahead on my expenses, amass a decent amount of savings and even buy a few luxuries. Most of all, it allowed me to save enough money to get started in my current business.
Although I was desperate when I started started blogging, I wasn't doing it to make money until I got a taste of the Amazon affiliate program. I didn't know anything about IM coming into this. All I'd heard about IM was that people were making millions overnight, and since I'd been involved in other businesses of my own, I knew better than to buy into that. I was just blogging as a way to vent and monetized my readers over time. I also saw my writings as me trying to help others through my own experience. Of course when the money did come, I had to first experiment with different methods of monetizing traffic until I found a system that worked. It wasn't a straight shot at all.
I said all of that to say this: There's money to be made. But what are you going to do? Are you going to be one of those people who read a get rich quick manual and get in the game based on what they told you? You know what I mean, one of those people who want it all at once. Or, are you going to be one of those people who put in the necessary work (both working on your business and constantly learning) and are fine w/ moderate growth? The way you answer that question makes a big difference as to whether you make money in any endeavor you undertake.
Thanks for reading!
Sean Tudor Carter
“We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial.”
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Exposing The Self-Help Industry
The foregoing article was originally written in October of 2012:
“Those Who Can, Do; Those Who Can’t, Teach” – Unknown Author
I know that this article is going to ruffle some feathers but the points on which I'm about to hit just have to be made. I don't doubt that there will be opposition but one thing is for certain and that is: none of the opposition of the foregoing content will be successful people....just individuals who hope to achieve success through wishful thinking.
Here’s a basic rundown of how the self-help industry works: You have a guy who’s read all the various self-help books of the past and has attempted to run several businesses of his own that have been failures. After failing enough times, he figures that the only way to make money is to publish books/courses/audios/coaching/etc. which aims to teach people how to make money and be successful. That’s the gist of it. If I had to estimate, I’d say that 99% of self-help authors fall into that category. I remember seeing a guy (several guys actually), who was a nobody w/ no proven track record of success selling coaching for $5,000! When you research the guy, the only thing that comes up is his coaching services...nothing which indicates that he's run a successful business in the past.
There is that rare occasion where you’ll have someone who’s achieved success in business write a book about their journey to the top. You probably won’t find too many of these because those people are too busy actually making money to write books. But if you’d notice, these people’s work differ a whole lot from that of self-help authors who have never achieved any success. Take for example T. Harv Eker, author of “Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind.” Mr. Eker was a successful businessman before he decided to write about it. I’ve read Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind several times and to me, its one of the most pragmatic books on success. One thing the author emphasizes is hard work. In no way, shape or form does he make it seem easy to become successful. But on the flip side, the majority of self-help authors will make becoming successful sound like a walk in the park.
So now you may be wondering, “how do you know whether or not these authors have achieved success before writing about it?” One thing about me — if I’m looking to learn something from somebody, I am going to research that person to check their credentials. And that’s what exactly what I’ve done with a lot of the big names in self-help. I haven’t been able to find a history of success in business for 99% of them. Of course they tell you their stories of building companies and so forth, but in today’s digital age, I’d imagine that it would be easy to verify these claims. Yet, no one ever gives any verifiable information to back up their claims. Take someone like Charles F. Haanel, author of The Master Key System (TMKS), who was a successful businessmen BEFORE writing TMKS. I was able to verify that he did in fact build several successful companies. Mind you, Mr. Haanel built his companies in the late 1800′s. So if I was able to verify the legitimacy of claim made over 100 years ago before today's digital age, why is it so hard to verify the claims of these guys in today’s time?
I remember being part of a really popular Internet Marketing forum (not gonna mention their name). This forum is NOTORIOUS for allowing and even encouraging fraudsters to sell BS products to unsuspecting people. Many of the members portray themselves as being really successful businesspeople, but when you do a little digging, you find that they also fit my description of 99% of self-help gurus. When I browsed this forum, I noticed that almost all the products being sold which taught people how to make money in Internet Marketing, taught them to do so by creating their own product teaching people how to make money.
If you’re a sensible person, you may now be asking, “but how are they going to create a product teaching people how to make money if they haven’t made any money in Internet Marketing?” Here’s your answer: they hire “research teams” to research methods to make money who then ghostwrites an eBook for them (if they can’t afford these teams, they do the research and writing themselves), they then package and brand the product with their name and a phony story of how they came across this “revolutionary money making secret.” One of the most infamous tricks they’d use is a fake PaypPal and/or Clickbank screen shot which shows lots of money in their accounts as a result of using their methods. They create these fake screenshots by typing a javascript code into their browser, which then allows them to edit the numbers on the screen. After editing the numbers, they take the screenshot. I’ve seen this scenario play out with my own eyes hundreds of times on this forum. This method of creating BS products doesn’t only pertain to the forum in question, that’s how the overall “self-help/how to make money” industry works.
So now we’ve come to The Law of Attraction (The LoA for short). The LoA is something that self-help authors have referred to for quite some time now. During the early 1900′s, guys like Napoleon Hill, Charles F. Haanel, Wallace Wattles, Claude Bristol, William Walter Atkinson, and many others wrote about The LoA…from a pragmatic standpoint. The LoA is real BUT the way in which its taught today is false. Today, self-help authors teach you that The LoA is a short cut to success…a universal law to assist you in avoiding having to work. According to them, if you just think about it and believe, it’ll come to you. That is a load of bullshit. Yes, we do create our circumstances through our thoughts. And yes, we can create favorable opportunities through our thoughts. But what good is it going to do if you don’t take action? More on that later in my closing paragraph.
Many self-help authors teach The LoA in a way that causes the reader to desire to fulfill only selfish purposes. In ancient times, when people wrote about these Universal Laws, they used these laws for the purpose of bettering themselves and society as a whole. But now, self-help “gurus” teach you to use The LoA in expectation of something for nothing (which doesn’t exist). That, by the way, is why the vast majority of people who read these books never achieve anything, because they’re focused only on themselves. Nothing good comes to the person who isn’t willing to put in the work. I remember seeing several of these guys advise readers to act only if their actions feel good. Again, more bullshit. From my experience, its the actions you don’t feel like taking but that you take anyways that makes the most difference. I have never known a successful person who acted only when it felt good. One part of being successful is having to do things you don’t want to do…period. Do you see how these people are misleading you?
Your best bet, in my opinion, would be to leave the self-help stuff alone. Chances are, you already know what you need to do in order to succeed, you just haven’t realized it. 99% of these guys haven’t made any money outside of pitching products on how to make money and be successful. I would never tell you not to read any books on the subject. The books you read should be by people that have actually done it themselves. Some people may say, “what’s wrong with them providing motivation to others, even though they haven’t done it themselves?” The problem is that they’re providing misleading information to their audience. How can you teach someone how to do something you haven’t done yourself? People listen to these guys, apply their teachings and never become successful. Only person who makes money is the author. With the economy being in such a state of uncertainty at the time, these guys are going to be targeting the unsuspecting even harder because they know that everyone is looking for a way to make more money, looking for security, etc. And here they are ready to play the role of savior.
In closing, all I have to say is this: there is no substitute for hard work and accurate thought. Anyone who tells you otherwise usually has something to sell you. The Law of Attraction and other universal laws are important, BUT, they don’t take the place of plain ole hard work. You can attract opportunity to you through your thoughts, but you should be constantly putting in work. And you better be ready to work like a motherfucker when that opportunity comes. If you have to work 20 hours a day, so be it. I’m sure anyone who’s great at something worked their ass off to acquire those skills. Majority of self-help authors take advantage of people’s nativity. Lets be for real. A lot of people would choose easy success over having to work hard if there was such a choice (if you don’t believe me, look at how many people play the lottery). And these people prey on that desire people have of receiving something for almost nothing.
Don’t be fooled, people. Keep working hard, keep being motivated, keep your mind on your goal and DO NOT get tempted by claims of easy riches.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Is Taking The Easy Route Truly Worth It?
The foregoing article was originally written in September of 2012:
The year 2012 has been one in which I’ve been hearing a lot of people cry “SCAM!” It’s natural to be sympathetic towards those that have gotten themselves caught up in a fraudulent situation. But at the same time, we’ve got to use the word that a lot of people seem be afraid of. What’s that word? It is: RESPONSIBILITY. We can sit here all day and talk about scam artists, but in a lot of the cases I’ve heard, some people just need to admit that it was their own failure to employ logic and critical thinking that made them victims in the first place. Many individuals are looking for the easy way out. Personally, I’ve come to realize that there are some things setup in this world to punish those who try to take the easy way out.
I always tell people…there’s no substitute for hard work and accurate knowledge. Going along with these so-called pre-built systems is a recipe for disaster. I actually feel like a lot of this “easy success” stuff is created to punish people who try to skip having to do the work. Not just in business, but in practically every facet of life. In our society, a lot of people have made a lot of money selling products that promises easy results with little or no work. At one point in time, I used to be mad at those people. But now, I have no issues with them. They’re simply filling a need — a need that people have to avoid hard work and look for the easy way. In my opinion, they’re giving people exactly what they want. Should people fail when using their products, its their own fault, in my opinion. Maybe then they’ll see that there are no shortcuts to the top.
Right now, there’s a huge story taking place concerning a group called “The Global Information Network (GIN),” which was founded by TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau. I'd written previous about that falling out. In that particular situation, lots of people are mad at Kevin Trudeau and their anger is justified. BUT…the GIN scheme would not have been possible if it weren’t for people looking for a shortcut to the top. GIN promised its members that they could use the Law of Attraction to manifest their wishes. GIN promised to put them in contact with prominent members of societies who’d help them build their fortunes. GIN promised them access to all the “secrets” of building wealth that no one else supposedly had access to. None of which was actually delivered. A lot of people were burned by this organization, but I hope they learned their lesson…a very expensive lesson at that. I hope they learned that there are no shortcuts to the top! The kinds of money some people invested in GIN (reaching $75k-100k in some cases), could have been used to launch a few successful enterprises. But instead, they used that money looking for a shortcut.
In my field, Derivatives Trading, some people suffer from the same state of mind…that of trying to go the easy route. Thankfully, I never got caught up in the hype when learning to trade. Part of that can be attributed to the fact that I was brought into the game by a successful trader who provided an extensive book list to me that recommended nothing but information-based books. That, by the way, is really key. None of the books offered a pre-made system. They were instead information-based. The combination of books provided explained how the markets, the economy and human psychology works from an objective viewpoint, which would enable me to absorb the information and create my own system. There would be plenty of trial and error in the process though. But that’s the thing! If you aren’t willing to get your hands dirty and make a few mistakes, then you aren’t serious about wanting to succeed in whatever you’re attempting to do. They have products for people like that (those that want to avoid mistakes)….those products we described earlier. The funny thing about those kind of products is this — people buy them, attempt to use them, fall flat on their face and repeat the process a few times until they finally realize there are no shortcuts (unfortunately, some people never realize it). They then spend more time trying to undo the damage done by trying to take the shortcut.
Make no mistake about it — the same type of fraudulent schemes are present in trading as well (as I alluded to in the previous paragraph). There are lots of fly by night companies who set themselves up as Proprietary Trading firms, offering to teach individuals how to trade profitably. Not only do they claim to teach you how to trade profitably, they claim to let you use their money to do it! I’ve seen people spends thousands of dollars on those types of programs, sometimes even tens of thousands, only for the program to either run off with their money or provide them with some useless information. Think about this — trading is hard work! If a person has come up with a highly profitable system, they aren’t going to share it with you. That’s their punishment for not reading a few books on trading, which I can assure you would have cost a hell of a lot less than they paid for these programs. They could have bought a few books, downloading a paper trading software and had some money left over to actually trade, which had the potential to make them money. But instead, they got burned looking for the easy way.
I’ve talked primarily about looking for shortcuts when it comes to making money, but make no mistake about it, the same thing rings true all across the board. People look for shortcuts for their health, their intellectual studies…practically anything that requires learning and effort. When I was dealing with my weight issues and made it through that successfully, it amazed me how many people would ask me for advice and would get upset with me because the system I used wouldn’t provide the results they sought overnight. Some people even accused me of lying to them when I’d tell them that I followed a restricted eating plan for almost 6 months that required strong discipline. What’s crazy is that these people SAW me do it and still don’t believe that its not an overnight process.
Conclusion: Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy nor are there any guarantees. If you’re looking for a quick fix with a guaranteed outcome, there are plenty of people who’d love to provide one, but at a cost. That’s the price you pay when trying to avoid doing the work. I’ve seen lots of “how to” programs over the years that have claimed to provide a fast and easy method to success, and I’ve seen people praise these programs. But not once have I ever saw any of the praisers state that they’ve USED any of those programs and got what was promised.
Thanks for reading!
Sean Tudor Carter
“We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial.”
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
The year 2012 has been one in which I’ve been hearing a lot of people cry “SCAM!” It’s natural to be sympathetic towards those that have gotten themselves caught up in a fraudulent situation. But at the same time, we’ve got to use the word that a lot of people seem be afraid of. What’s that word? It is: RESPONSIBILITY. We can sit here all day and talk about scam artists, but in a lot of the cases I’ve heard, some people just need to admit that it was their own failure to employ logic and critical thinking that made them victims in the first place. Many individuals are looking for the easy way out. Personally, I’ve come to realize that there are some things setup in this world to punish those who try to take the easy way out.
I always tell people…there’s no substitute for hard work and accurate knowledge. Going along with these so-called pre-built systems is a recipe for disaster. I actually feel like a lot of this “easy success” stuff is created to punish people who try to skip having to do the work. Not just in business, but in practically every facet of life. In our society, a lot of people have made a lot of money selling products that promises easy results with little or no work. At one point in time, I used to be mad at those people. But now, I have no issues with them. They’re simply filling a need — a need that people have to avoid hard work and look for the easy way. In my opinion, they’re giving people exactly what they want. Should people fail when using their products, its their own fault, in my opinion. Maybe then they’ll see that there are no shortcuts to the top.
Right now, there’s a huge story taking place concerning a group called “The Global Information Network (GIN),” which was founded by TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau. I'd written previous about that falling out. In that particular situation, lots of people are mad at Kevin Trudeau and their anger is justified. BUT…the GIN scheme would not have been possible if it weren’t for people looking for a shortcut to the top. GIN promised its members that they could use the Law of Attraction to manifest their wishes. GIN promised to put them in contact with prominent members of societies who’d help them build their fortunes. GIN promised them access to all the “secrets” of building wealth that no one else supposedly had access to. None of which was actually delivered. A lot of people were burned by this organization, but I hope they learned their lesson…a very expensive lesson at that. I hope they learned that there are no shortcuts to the top! The kinds of money some people invested in GIN (reaching $75k-100k in some cases), could have been used to launch a few successful enterprises. But instead, they used that money looking for a shortcut.
In my field, Derivatives Trading, some people suffer from the same state of mind…that of trying to go the easy route. Thankfully, I never got caught up in the hype when learning to trade. Part of that can be attributed to the fact that I was brought into the game by a successful trader who provided an extensive book list to me that recommended nothing but information-based books. That, by the way, is really key. None of the books offered a pre-made system. They were instead information-based. The combination of books provided explained how the markets, the economy and human psychology works from an objective viewpoint, which would enable me to absorb the information and create my own system. There would be plenty of trial and error in the process though. But that’s the thing! If you aren’t willing to get your hands dirty and make a few mistakes, then you aren’t serious about wanting to succeed in whatever you’re attempting to do. They have products for people like that (those that want to avoid mistakes)….those products we described earlier. The funny thing about those kind of products is this — people buy them, attempt to use them, fall flat on their face and repeat the process a few times until they finally realize there are no shortcuts (unfortunately, some people never realize it). They then spend more time trying to undo the damage done by trying to take the shortcut.
Make no mistake about it — the same type of fraudulent schemes are present in trading as well (as I alluded to in the previous paragraph). There are lots of fly by night companies who set themselves up as Proprietary Trading firms, offering to teach individuals how to trade profitably. Not only do they claim to teach you how to trade profitably, they claim to let you use their money to do it! I’ve seen people spends thousands of dollars on those types of programs, sometimes even tens of thousands, only for the program to either run off with their money or provide them with some useless information. Think about this — trading is hard work! If a person has come up with a highly profitable system, they aren’t going to share it with you. That’s their punishment for not reading a few books on trading, which I can assure you would have cost a hell of a lot less than they paid for these programs. They could have bought a few books, downloading a paper trading software and had some money left over to actually trade, which had the potential to make them money. But instead, they got burned looking for the easy way.
I’ve talked primarily about looking for shortcuts when it comes to making money, but make no mistake about it, the same thing rings true all across the board. People look for shortcuts for their health, their intellectual studies…practically anything that requires learning and effort. When I was dealing with my weight issues and made it through that successfully, it amazed me how many people would ask me for advice and would get upset with me because the system I used wouldn’t provide the results they sought overnight. Some people even accused me of lying to them when I’d tell them that I followed a restricted eating plan for almost 6 months that required strong discipline. What’s crazy is that these people SAW me do it and still don’t believe that its not an overnight process.
Conclusion: Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy nor are there any guarantees. If you’re looking for a quick fix with a guaranteed outcome, there are plenty of people who’d love to provide one, but at a cost. That’s the price you pay when trying to avoid doing the work. I’ve seen lots of “how to” programs over the years that have claimed to provide a fast and easy method to success, and I’ve seen people praise these programs. But not once have I ever saw any of the praisers state that they’ve USED any of those programs and got what was promised.
Thanks for reading!
Sean Tudor Carter
“We live in deeds, not years. In thoughts not breaths, in feelings, not in figures on a dial.”
Sean Tudor Carter is an experienced investor, entrepreneur, research and writer for the Young & Opulent Group, a company formed to serve the needs of up and coming entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars who wish to reach opulent goals and stay consciously afloat in these fast changing times.
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