Monday, July 29, 2013

Survival Of The Unfittest?

“The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated.” - Gordon Gekko

The natural law of nature has always been Survival Of The Fittest. We can even observe that law in effect in the animal kingdom. But in America, we’ve decided to reverse the law and make it Survival of the Unfittest. I don’t really get political, but I have to in order to get my point across. These past 4 years, Democrats have worked diligently to create a society where we reward people for being consumers while punishing the producers. The Obama campaign has done a hell of a job of diverting attention away from the fact that this country is in terrible financial shape, but instead, has turned it into a class war. But don’t get it twisted, we’ve been going down this path for quite some time now…ever since “The New Deal” was struck during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration.

Now people are too focused on rich vs. poor to notice that they’re being setup to take the fall again. The rich vs. poor angle works well for the Obama camp because its an emotional angle which gets people to vote out of emotion instead of logic. Its the Robin Hood approach. People are angry at the rich, but they forget that its the rich who provide the jobs in which they work, who produced the homes in which they live, the cars they drive, every gadget they use, etc. Those are producers and yes, they deserve tax breaks. So not only do you want the rich to produce everything which you use to live, but you want them to take care of you too? If it weren’t for the rich producing these things, you’d still be building homes by hand and hunting for food. If any of the complainers have ever studied the tax code (which I doubt any have done), they’d see that our tax system rewards producers!

Get your attention off the rich vs. poor nonsense and focus on the financial health of our country. We’ve reached a record deficit in these past 4 years ($16 Trillion). That’d be okay if our currency were strong, since a strong currency is good for imports, but it isn’t. But you can’t have a deep deficit and a strong currency at the same time. Countries like China and Japan can have a weak currency because they’re exporting nations. Our currency is weak and yet we insist on importing more than we export, which creates a trade deficit. We consume more than we produce which creates a budget deficit, because we import not only goods from other countries, but investment capital as well. Who do you think owns most government debt a.k.a Treasury Bills? Government spending, instead of employing austerity measures, is putting us even deeper in the hole. That’s exactly what this administration continues to do. Spend, spend, spend instead of saying enough is enough. Now they’ve snuck a huge tax increase in the mix which you asked for without knowing. But YOU are fine with that, right? We may not see the long-term impact our actions have today, but we’re putting generations that have yet to be born in debt! The snuck that tax increase in because they disguised it as them taking from the rich to give to the poor. And you fell for it. Click the HERE to hear a full explanation of how detrimental Obamacare really is

So this is what its come to? The current administration would also like for every child to attend college without financial worry. Sounds good in theory, right? But here’s the kicker: People can agree with this current administration’s fascist message if they want, but they’re failing to ask where’s the money gonna come from to pay for every child’s education? It’s gonna come from YOU in the form of higher taxes. People love Obama’s Robin Hood mentality but fail to realize that its gonna cost THEM in the end. Besides, what happened to parents saving for their kid’s college education? Oh, I forgot. The parents are too busy buying big screen TVs, homes they can’t afford, financing every new model vehicle, buying expensive clothes, etc. But they want someone to pay for their child’s college education? People are a joke.

Everyone wants freedom, but at the same time, they want the government to do everything for them. You can’t have it both ways. Excessive government intervention is NOT the way its supposed to be. The government intervening in free markets (and economies) means giving up rights. It also means taxing YOU to a high degree. So you have two choices. Either you can take responsibility for your own life in every possible way which limits government interference and gives you more rights, or you can let the government do everything for you (good ole Keynesian methods), and let them dictate your world for you. The choice is yours.
We need to go back to survival of the fittest where every man and woman produces. We need to end the days of taking care of those who WON’T do anything for themselves. Its the only way we can survive. I’m sure a lot of you want to go places in life and are working hard to get there. If that’s the case, then how do you feel about being punished for your success when you finally make it just because someone somewhere don’t want to get off their butt and produce? We’ve tried that exact approach for too long and look where its got us….

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